A picture of a woman seated by cans of paint and a blank wall

True Colors

light exposes.
this moment in time
has brought
a moment of clarity

in that a spectrum is released
colors we’ve never seen before
from the shadows and structures
that now have failed us

I am seeing the true colors
the mud, muck and mire of systems
where your foundation truly is
dug deep or shallow, these times
unusual indeed
expose your true colors
things no longer shrouded
by the screens of painted smiles and sayings

your words, your actions,
how you take care
of those both far and near

so choose wisely the palette you choose
and the paintbrushes you use

we all see the colors now in saturation and hues

let’s go back to primary basics, mix wisely
As not to make a mudded mess
as we recreate and restore
rather than tear down and destroy
drawing with light
a more beautiful image
than ever before.

Image via Kathryna Hancock, Darling Issue No. 11

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