Autumn is approaching, can you feel it where you are? September becomes a month divided, with a line of distinction between the warm drawl of summer and the crisp, transitory feel of the fall.
While the seasons shift like clockwork, we too have our own seasons of change in life. Sometimes this can feel exhilarating, taking on something new and unknown. At the same time, it can feel like the floor beneath you is crumbling into a mysterious place where stability isn’t quite yet tangible. But know that growth rarely results in the mundane, but rather it thrives in taking a chance on letting go of the comfortable and safe.
If you are approaching a sudden transition and need a boost of confidence, we’ve compiled a list of songs just for that time in your life. Turn and face the strange…
Image via Sadie Culberson
Awesome play list. Love to listen them.
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Excited to listen to this playlist!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog