Few things are as charming as receiving snail mail. No matter the influx of texts, emails, or even snaps, the sweet sound of tearing an envelope beats them all. And today we take it one step further with handcrafted cards as inspired by A Cup of Jo. No gadgets needed, this is a DIY of purely household goods (and forgotten beauty products) to personalize and marbleize stationery.
DIY Marble Stationery
– a pan or dish
– two shades of nail polish
– notecards
– a couple of toothpicks
– paper towels (for drying)
1. Fill the pan three quarters full with water. Any size will work so long as the dish is slightly larger than the notecard.
2. Shake the nail polish and quickly pour through the water.
3. Use a toothpick to swirl the nail polish.
4. Place the notecard in water and push down just until it is submerged.
5. Remove and place on paper towel to try.
6. Repeat with additional cards.*
7. Allow cards to dry completely then get to writing!
*Note: After 3-4 cards you may need to repeat the process as color will dilute.
Images via Leslie Musser
Totally trying this at my craft night tomorrow! Thanks for the beautiful idea.
Giving this a go! But first, decide on what colour would reflect our style and personality 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
Real Life Nerd
Writing paper stationery is spelled with an ‘e’ ????
This is so wild! I live quite far from my family and friends right now and we still send good, old snail mail back and forth. I think this would be fun to try. Thanks for a cool idea 🙂